Nicholas Baltinos - Barrister-at-Law                 
  Criminal Barrister

   I regularly travel to:- 

       Sydney Criminal Barrister


0418 883 330




As a Queensland Criminal Barrister, I represent a variety of clients who have been charged with a diverse range of criminal offences, ranging from very minor charges such as drink driving, to very serious charges such as fraud, drug supply and murder.

Being charged with a criminal offence can be traumatic and often difficult to cope with. Despite this, the matter must be treated seriously and legal advice should be obtained at the earliest opportunity.

If you, or someone you know, has been charged with a criminal offence or summonsed to appear at a court, tribunal or inquiry, I may be able to help. I am available to discuss your criminal case by appointment.  Should your matter require me to attend in another state or territory, I would be glad to discuss with you me fees and costs relating to my attendance in that state or territory.

Contact Sydney Criminal Barrister  You may reach me on 0418 883 330 or email at

Chambers: 10 Eagle Street, AMP Place, Level 19, Brisbane, QLD, 4000.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

   Areas of Practice

   Qualifications & Memberships

bullet All Criminal Matters - Local Court, Magistrates Court, District Court & Supreme Court
bullet Bail Applications & Bail Reviews
bullet Jury Trials & Judge Alone Trials
bullet Defended Hearings & Committal Proceedings
bullet Interlocutory Applications, Stay Proceedings & No Bill Submissions, Costs Applications
bullet Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses (Forensic Science & Technology)
bullet Sentence Proceedings, Breach of Recognizance & Arrest Warrants
bullet Appeals, Judicial Reviews & Executive Representations
bullet Parole Board, Crime Commission, ICAC, PIC and CJC Hearings
bullet Coronial Inquests, Statutory Inquiries & Royal Commissions
bullet Disciplinary & Professional Conduct Proceedings
bullet Attending Police Stations, Jails & Detention Centres

Barristers tend to specialise in particular areas of law. Criminal law is my specialty, whether the matter involves a bail application,  a trial, an appeal or is in the early stages following investigation or arrest.

Specialty Offences: Prohibited Drugs (Importation of Border Controlled Drugs, Import Prohibited Import, Supply or Ongoing Supply (Trafficable, Commercial or Large Commercial Quantity), Manufacture, Large Scale Manufacturing, Possess, Possession, Knowingly Concerned for purpose of Supply, Deem Supply, Cultivate, Large Scale Cultivation, Trafficking and Possession, Self administer, Ecstasy, MDMA, Ice, Heroin, Speed, Cocaine, Cannabis, Methamphetamine, GHB, Marijuana, all prohibited narcotics and precursors (powder, liquid, tablets, pills, plants, pill presses, money counting machines) Assault (Common Assault, Causing Actual Bodily Harm (AOABH), Causing Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), Affray, Riot, Sexual Assault, Indecent Assault, Assault Police, Resist Arrest, Offensive Language) Murder (Conspiracy to Murder, Solicit to Murder, Felony Murder, Manslaughter, Conceal Death, Conceal Crime)  Robbery (Armed Robbery, Robbery in Company, Steal from Person, Larceny, Larceny as Servant, Goods in Custody, Possess Stolen Goods/Property)  Fraud (Centrelink Fraud, Obtain Benefit/Advantage by Deception, Embezzlement, Credit Card Fraud, Counterfeiting, Fraudulent Documents, Counterfeit Cheques and Currency, Impersonate Police Officer, Identity Fraud, Pervert Course of Justice, Perjury)  Cybercrime (Computer Hacking, Spamming, Cyber Terrorism, Denial of Service Attacks, Social Network Abuse, Cyber Bullying) Firearms (Unlicensed/Unregistered, Discharge in Public Place, Possess Ammunition or Explosives, Possess/Manufacture Bomb Making Equipment, Possess Prohibited Weapon, Arson) Kidnapping (Detain for Advantage, Extortion, Home Invasion) Proceeds of Crime (Dealing in Proceeds of Crime, Freezing Orders, Asset Recovery Proceedings, Money Laundering, Proceeds Assessment Order, Asset Forfeiture, Asset Confiscation) Bail (Applications, Breach, Change or Variation of Conditions of Bail, Revocation, Surety Representation, Estreats Court Proceedings, Fail to Appear, Breach of Bond) Extradition (Applications to Resist Extradition) People Smuggling) PCA (High Range, Medium Range, Low Range - All Drink Driving, Drunk Driving, DUI,RBT detection and Drug Driving, Random Drug Tests)  AVO & APVO (Breach Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) or Apprehended Personal Violence Orders (APVO) Traffic Offences (License Disqualification Appeals,  Appeals, Speeding, Disobey Signal or Sign, Refuse Breath Test, Quashing Habitual Offender Declaration, Section 10 applications, Speed Cameras, Red Light Cameras,  Dangerous Driving, Negligent or Reckless  Driving Causing Injury or Death, Unlicensed Driver, Cancelled Driver License).

No matter how minor or serious the criminal charge or charges, I am available to discuss your case in a confidential conference and provide you with advice on how best to deal with the matter.


You may contact me on 0418 883 330 or email at


QUESTION 1 : What is a Barrister?

Barristers are specialist lawyers who can appear in court as advocates as well as providing specialist advice regarding either a discrete legal issue or the merits of an entire case.  Barristers often specialise in particular areas of law such as criminal law, family law, commercial law etc.

QUESTION 2 : Do I need a Barrister for my problem?

Not necessarily. A Solicitor with adequate experience may be all you need to solve your particular problem.  Ask your Solicitor if your particular problem requires the services of a Barrister.

QUESTION 3 : Can I engage a Barrister without a Solicitor?

Yes, although you may have to eventually engage a Solicitor as well.  This is because Barristers are not permitted to perform certain work which Solicitors exclusively perform.

QUESTION 4 : Can I use a Barrister from another Australian State or Territory?

In most cases, Yes..

bullet Barrister-at-Law
bullet Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
bullet Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice
bullet Admitted in the Supreme Court of New South Wales
bullet Admitted in the High Court of Australia
bullet Member of the Australian Bar Association
bullet Member of the International Bar Association (London)
bullet Member of the Bar Association of Queensland
bullet Member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association (London)
bullet Member of the International Law Association
bullet Member of the International Criminal Defence Attorneys Association
bullet Associate Member of the American Bar Association   More

Sydney Criminal Barrister     Sydney Criminal Barrister Sydney Criminal Barrister    Sydney Criminal Barrister       Sydney Criminal Barrister      

As a Criminal Defence Barrister, I have developed particular interest and expertise in the following forensic areas: ballistics, DNA, entomology, pathology, fingerprints, handwriting, toxicology and chemistry.


I am also highly experienced in Information Technology, in particular the areas of computer science, computer networking, data storage, cloud computing, internet technologies & protocols, cyber security, computer programming, smartphone technology, databases, data recovery, WiFi technologies, radio & television transmission & encoding technologies, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), DNS Servers, Web Servers, Mail Servers, FTP Servers and Streaming technology (audio & video).


I also have extensive knowledge & experience in relation to:- Listening Devices, Police Surveillance, Search Warrants, Telephone Intercepts, Police Methodology, Police Procedures, Police Guidelines and Police Code of Conduct & Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Important & Useful Information

Answering Police Questions

The general position is that you do not have to answer police questions. There are some important exceptions. As a matter of common sense, if you are asked questions by police about a simple matter of which you are obviously innocent, it is probably a good idea to answer their questions. In other situations, speak to a lawyer first. In particular, if the police want to record an interview with you on tape or video, always say you want to speak to a lawyer first.


A person is arrested when police deprive him of his liberty, regardless of the words used. A person is arrested when police make it plain to him that he is not free to leave if he chooses. When a person is confronted at his home by armed police, an arrest may occur unless police indicate that the person is free to leave.



NOTE: I only accept briefs from admitted legal practitioners, such as solicitors and other barristers.  If you do not have a solicitor who can instruct me, I can provide you with a list of solicitors who regularly brief me, in the alternative, you may wish to contact your local Law Society who could provide a list of solicitors practising in the area of criminal law.

As a criminal barrister, I only practice in the area of criminal law, and provide legal representation in all criminal courts concerning criminal trials, bail hearings, sentence proceedings and summary hearings.

I also provide my clients with the necessary advice on how best to deal with their matter, which may include negotiations with the prosecution to achieve the best possible result.

If you or someone you know has been charged with any of the following offences, please feel free to contact me or my clerk.

Prohibited Drugs (Importation of Border Controlled Drugs, Import Prohibited Import, Supply or Ongoing Supply (Trafficable, Commercial or Large Commercial Quantity), Manufacture, Large Scale Manufacturing, Possess, Possession, Knowingly Concerned for purpose of Supply, Deem Supply, Cultivate, Large Scale Cultivation, Trafficking and Possession, Self administer, Ecstasy, MDMA, Ice, Heroin, Speed, Cocaine, Cannabis, Methamphetamine, GHB, Marijuana, all prohibited narcotics and precursors (powder, liquid, tablets, pills, plants, pill presses, money counting machines) Assault (Common Assault, Causing Actual Bodily Harm (AOABH), Causing Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), Affray, Riot, Sexual Assault, Indecent Assault, Assault Police, Resist Arrest, Offensive Language) Murder (Conspiracy to Murder, Solicit to Murder, Felony Murder, Manslaughter, Conceal Death, Conceal Crime)  Robbery (Armed Robbery, Robbery in Company, Steal from Person, Larceny, Larceny as Servant, Goods in Custody, Possess Stolen Goods/Property)  Fraud (Centrelink Fraud, Obtain Benefit/Advantage by Deception, Embezzlement, Credit Card Fraud, Counterfeiting, Fraudulent Documents, Counterfeit Cheques and Currency, Impersonate Police Officer, Identity Fraud, Pervert Course of Justice, Perjury)  Cybercrime (Computer Hacking, Spamming, Cyber Terrorism, Denial of Service Attacks, Social Network Abuse, Cyber Bullying) Firearms (Unlicensed/Unregistered, Discharge in Public Place, Possess Ammunition or Explosives, Possess/Manufacture Bomb Making Equipment, Possess Prohibited Weapon, Arson) Kidnapping (Detain for Advantage, Extortion, Home Invasion) Proceeds of Crime (Dealing in Proceeds of Crime, Freezing Orders, Asset Recovery Proceedings, Money Laundering, Proceeds Assessment Order, Asset Forfeiture, Asset Confiscation) Bail (Applications, Breach, Change or Variation of Conditions of Bail, Revocation, Surety Representation, Estreats Court Proceedings, Fail to Appear, Breach of Bond) Extradition (Applications to Resist Extradition) People Smuggling) PCA (High Range, Medium Range, Low Range - All Drink Driving, Drunk Driving, DUI,RBT detection and Drug Driving, Random Drug Tests)  AVO & APVO (Breach Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) or Apprehended Personal Violence Orders (APVO) Traffic Offences (License Disqualification Appeals,  Appeals, Speeding, Disobey Signal or Sign, Refuse Breath Test, Quashing Habitual Offender Declaration, Section 10 applications, Speed Cameras, Red Light Cameras,  Dangerous Driving, Negligent or Reckless  Driving Causing Injury or Death, Unlicensed Driver, Cancelled Driver License).




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